
Account name: MSC McKay Jamaica Limited
Bank Name: Bank of Nova Scotia
Branch Name: Scotia Centre
Account Number: 802126
Account Type: Checking Account

IMPORTANT: Download or screen shot the confirmation page and send an email to Kindly include your contact details, reference number (where available) and the type of vehicle to be inspected.


Account name: MSC McKay Jamaica Limited
Bank Name: National Commercial Bank
Branch Name: Duke Street
Account Number: 201047919
Account Type: Checking Account

IMPORTANT: Download or screen shot the confirmation page and send an email to  Kindly include your contact details, reference number (where available) and the type of vehicle to be inspected.

Deposit Within Bank

Please note our account information for ScotiaBank or NCB and have it available to complete your transaction.
IMPORTANT: Email a copy of your deposit slip to  Kindly include your contact details, reference number (where available) and the type of vehicle to be inspected.